Thursday 11 October 2012

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Thursday 26 April 2012

Analysing Film Posters

The typical codes and conventions of film posters eye catching image/images, usually images of the characters associated in the film or the setting of the film. The title of the film on the posters, tagline, critic reviews and the production blurb.

By looking at the poster I can tell this film is a disaster movie because of the setting, how it's very empty and papers are flying everywhere. It also looks like a bit of a romance film because there seems to be a family and there’s a woman holding on to a child which is most likely to be her daughter. 

The colour of the poster is very dark and a moody blue which makes it seem like a thriller movie. Also the setting around the characters seem to be compressed which is makes you think that’s quite unusual.

The storyline is about something occurring (an unusual event) and how a “family” is trying to escape the “event” or trying to save them.The title in the film poster is “The Happening” which means an event that has or is occurring. Which makes the audience think that in the film there’s going to be a big event or something very unusual will happen. It’s been designed this way to make the audience think “what is happening?” “What is occurring” by giving little detail it makes us want to know more so we’ll go and watch the film.

In the poster the women is being represented as a “motherly figure” she’s holding on to her child/ comforting her. Also it seems the man is represented as masculine and he seems to be trying to protect the woman he seems like a hero. 

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Advert Explanation

Ideologies that I have attached to my advert are although canon is an expensive product it is good quality and it’s worth spending money on important personal memories such as photos.
My advert appeals to my target audience by showing how easy the camera can be used for everyday life. My target audience are young amateur photographers, this advert can relate to them because it makes them think about their personal lives and how it has a big impact on who they are and also how capturing moments like birthday parties (and etc.) are quite mesmerising.  The advert is also quite simple but also inspirational, it speaks to them because it’s not complex and these young amateurs are just in the process of learning about the complexity of photography. If the advert was complex then you would know the audience must be for an adult professional then a young amateur.
Referring to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, I have addressed the self actualization of creativity; I have also addressed confidence and self achievement, family, friendship and love.
Persuasive techniques I have used in the advert are personal appeal, warm & fuzzy by using images of sentimental value and anchorage which is “capture the moments” which fixes the meaning of the image.